Attempts to breed these three rhinos naturally have proven unsuccessful. Tam’s sperm quality is not ideal. Although Puntung and Iman are still producing eggs, they both have reproductive pathologies that have rendered them unable to bear a foetus. The only way the species can be saved in Malaysia is through advanced reproductive technology (ART) – using methods such as in-vitro fertilization to create a Sumatran rhino embryo in a laboratory before implanting it in a viable surrogate mother.
This scientific method has proven successful for humans and livestock, but it has never been attempted on the Sumatran Rhino before. BORA have teamed up with renowned international reproductive scientists to work towards a breakthrough before it’s too late.
This experimental process is costly and laborious. As of June 2016, BORA’s funds have run out. If we cannot secure further funding needed to continue ART, our efforts will come to an end and the species will become extinct in Malaysia. BORA and three rhinos need your help. Click here to find out how you can help support this cause.